Owing to Divine Providence and the generous support of the Sisters of Saint Francis who sadly had to close their motherhouse in 2017, our church became the new home of 12 priceless stained-glass windows, Stations of the Cross, marble altars and statues, a baptismal font, and a statue of Saint Clare of Assisi. Here is a part of the Sister's story.
Starting with three Sisters sent from their convent in Buffalo, NY, the Sisters opened a small hospital named for Saint Francis to serve the German-speaking immigrants to the Pittsburgh, PA area. Because the needs of the people were so vast, more Sisters were sent to assist with the work. Within 25 years, the number of Sisters ministering there expanded exponentially. They needed a large place to call home. It was through the vision of Sister Baptista Etzel, the prayers of the Sisters, and the financial blessings of many benefactors, that a 300-bed convent would be built. In 1897, 7,000 people gathered in the rain to witness the laying of the cornerstone. In 1900, the magnificent motherhouse was opened.
Starting with three Sisters sent from their convent in Buffalo, NY, the Sisters opened a small hospital named for Saint Francis to serve the German-speaking immigrants to the Pittsburgh, PA area. Because the needs of the people were so vast, more Sisters were sent to assist with the work. Within 25 years, the number of Sisters ministering there expanded exponentially. They needed a large place to call home. It was through the vision of Sister Baptista Etzel, the prayers of the Sisters, and the financial blessings of many benefactors, that a 300-bed convent would be built. In 1897, 7,000 people gathered in the rain to witness the laying of the cornerstone. In 1900, the magnificent motherhouse was opened.
sister baptista etzel
the convent chapel in 2015
HERE is a newspaper article from 2022 describing the future of the building.