the sacrament of baptism

The sacrament of Baptism is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation and is the first of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. Baptism removes the effects of Original Sin which taints all of humanity by Adam and Eve's sin, and welcomes the recipient into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on earth.
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month (except during Lent and as noted on the Application for Baptism) after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Other times may be possible in extenuating circumstances.
Because parents promise before God and the Church they will raise their child in the practice of the Catholic faith, they need to indicate their commitment by being registered, actively attending weekly Sunday Mass, and offering financial support of the parish for at least three months before requesting Baptism.
If you have any questions about Baptism at Saint Clare of Assisi, please email Father West.
Parents of a first born child (including not yet born) need to attend three 90-minute Baptism preparation classes. Godparents are welcome and encouraged to attend! The upcoming class dates are below. Please fill out this form (in addition to the Application for Baptism) to get on the list for preparation classes. Our instructor will reach out with additional information. Please call the parish office with questions (843.471.2673).
February 5, 12, and 19
May 7, 14, and 21
August 6, 13, and 20
November 5, 12, and 19
Role of and Requirements for Godparents
The role of Godparent is a serious obligation. The Godparent is to live his or her life faithfully and actively as a Catholic Christian. He or she should serve as a role model for the child and be well formed in the Catholic faith.
There may be two Godparents per child, one male and one female, or there may be only one Godparent.
To qualify, a Godparent candidate must meet these requirements:
(1) Be a Catholic who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
(2) Be at least 16 years of age on the date of the child's baptism.
(3) Be registered and actively participating in a Catholic parish where he or she resides and be able to provide written certification from the pastor of that parish.
(4) If married, was married within the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church.
(5) Not the mother or father of the child.
A person who has left the Catholic Church by a formal act such as joining another Christian religion or is not a practicing Catholic, is not qualified to fulfill the role of a Catholic Godparent and can not serve as a Christian witness.
Baptized Christians of other traditions are welcome to serve as Christian witnesses, but do not have an official status in the baptism. The witness need only be baptized. No certification is required.
If a Godparent cannot be physically present for the baptism, he or she may be represented by a proxy, someone whom he or she appoints. The proxy may be any person who has personal understanding of the Godparent's intentions to serve as a Catholic role model for the child.
Please click here to download the Godparent Certification form which may be emailed to those chosen to serve.
There may be two Godparents per child, one male and one female, or there may be only one Godparent.
To qualify, a Godparent candidate must meet these requirements:
(1) Be a Catholic who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
(2) Be at least 16 years of age on the date of the child's baptism.
(3) Be registered and actively participating in a Catholic parish where he or she resides and be able to provide written certification from the pastor of that parish.
(4) If married, was married within the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church.
(5) Not the mother or father of the child.
A person who has left the Catholic Church by a formal act such as joining another Christian religion or is not a practicing Catholic, is not qualified to fulfill the role of a Catholic Godparent and can not serve as a Christian witness.
Baptized Christians of other traditions are welcome to serve as Christian witnesses, but do not have an official status in the baptism. The witness need only be baptized. No certification is required.
If a Godparent cannot be physically present for the baptism, he or she may be represented by a proxy, someone whom he or she appoints. The proxy may be any person who has personal understanding of the Godparent's intentions to serve as a Catholic role model for the child.
Please click here to download the Godparent Certification form which may be emailed to those chosen to serve.