Frequently Asked Questions About Mass
"Do we have to hold hands at the Our Father?" There’s no officially designated gesture for the congregation to hold hands or even raise our hands during the Lord’s Prayer. In fact, only the priest is required to hold his hands out in what is called the orans position. It’s perfectly acceptable to fold your hands in front of you, even if others around you are holding hands.
"I'm not a good singer. Do I have to sing?" You don't have to sing everything, but there is a minimum requirement. The parts of the Mass that are sung by everyone are:
[3] Musicam sacram no. 29-31
"I'm not a good singer. Do I have to sing?" You don't have to sing everything, but there is a minimum requirement. The parts of the Mass that are sung by everyone are:
- any part that is normally spoken, such as responses to the priest ("The Lord be with you / And with your spirit"), the Lord's prayer, etc.
- the Kyrie eleison ("Lord, have mercy"),
- the Gloria ("Glory to God in the highest"),
- the Sanctus ("Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts"),
- the memorial acclamation ("When we eat this bread," etc.),
- and the Agnus Dei ("Lamb of God").[3]
[3] Musicam sacram no. 29-31