Child Faith Formation

We desire that you and your family make the decision to form your children to know, love, and follow our Savior Jesus Christ. As your parish family, we stand with you you to encourage, support, and love you!
However, the parish alone cannot teach your children everything they will need to become disciples of Christ.
A common assumption in our culture is that the teaching of the faith is mostly the responsibility of the school or parish. However, our faith teaches that parents are the primary catechists to their children. Parents teach not only with their words but more importantly with their attitudes and actions. Children learn about the world, others, and themselves from their parents.
Saint John Paul II often referred to the family as “the domestic Church” because parents provide a child’s first and primary example of faith. Catholicism is seen in such a home as a way of life which pervades all moments of one’s day, rather than an obligation to be fit into one’s weekend schedule.
All of our formation efforts at Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church is focused on providing opportunities for the entire family to learn, pray, and grow in relationship with Christ. We want to partner with you and support you in your mission to bring up your children in the faith.
However, the parish alone cannot teach your children everything they will need to become disciples of Christ.
A common assumption in our culture is that the teaching of the faith is mostly the responsibility of the school or parish. However, our faith teaches that parents are the primary catechists to their children. Parents teach not only with their words but more importantly with their attitudes and actions. Children learn about the world, others, and themselves from their parents.
Saint John Paul II often referred to the family as “the domestic Church” because parents provide a child’s first and primary example of faith. Catholicism is seen in such a home as a way of life which pervades all moments of one’s day, rather than an obligation to be fit into one’s weekend schedule.
All of our formation efforts at Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church is focused on providing opportunities for the entire family to learn, pray, and grow in relationship with Christ. We want to partner with you and support you in your mission to bring up your children in the faith.