stock and mutual fund donations
Thank you for your inquiry on donating stock and/or mutual funds. These types of donations may be made for the benefit of a parish, school, Diocese of Charleston, Annual Appeal, capital campaign or a ministry.
Please fill out this form in its entirety. Please make certain to complete the Gift Instructions/Restrictions section so we know there to credit your gift, ie., the Building Fund, Sunday Offering, etc.
Please contact Kelsey Shooter, Diocese of Charleston, at 843-261-0468 or [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thank you for your inquiry on donating stock and/or mutual funds. These types of donations may be made for the benefit of a parish, school, Diocese of Charleston, Annual Appeal, capital campaign or a ministry.
Please fill out this form in its entirety. Please make certain to complete the Gift Instructions/Restrictions section so we know there to credit your gift, ie., the Building Fund, Sunday Offering, etc.
Please contact Kelsey Shooter, Diocese of Charleston, at 843-261-0468 or [email protected] if you have any questions.