All registered parishioners will receive information introducing our Love God, Serve God initiative in the mail. This is not another capital campaign. Please be sure to read the contents which spell out for you what we have accomplished in our six-year life as a parish, which, frankly, is a great deal, thanks be to God and to you. You make me proud to be your pastor.
If we are to work together to secure our parish's future, all of us will prayerfully consider how we will help Saint Clare of Assisi support our ministries and further our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ. For the glory of the Lord and to the service of his people, we have done much already, but there is so much more yet to be accomplished.
The mailing contains a brochure and a Commitment Card. For the card, please do one of these:
· mail it to the parish office using the pre-addressed envelope included in the mailing or
· bring your card to Mass
We also offer an online Commitment Card. Click here.
Our goal is 100% participation! Can we do it? That is up to you. I hope and pray the answer will be a resounding YES!
Thank you for supporting one another in our parish family, especially in these unusual times. May our saintly patroness Clare pray for you and your loved ones from the halls of heaven.
My blessings.
Father West