stewardship council
How shall I repay the Lord for his goodness to me? - Psalm 116:12
The Stewardship Council, a council not found in many parishes, provides opportunities for parishioners to adhere to the spirituality of the giving of time, talent and treasure. The Stewardship Council is not a fundraising committee. This council sponsors ministry fairs, make available educational and witnessing opportunities for parishioner growth, and help parish members consider how God is calling them to share their gifts.
The council is comprised of six members appointed by the pastor who will serve a three-year term with the possible reappointment to a second three-year term.
Council meetings are open to parishioners. Meeting dates, times and locations are published in the weekly ebulletin and online calendar.
The Stewardship Council, a council not found in many parishes, provides opportunities for parishioners to adhere to the spirituality of the giving of time, talent and treasure. The Stewardship Council is not a fundraising committee. This council sponsors ministry fairs, make available educational and witnessing opportunities for parishioner growth, and help parish members consider how God is calling them to share their gifts.
The council is comprised of six members appointed by the pastor who will serve a three-year term with the possible reappointment to a second three-year term.
Council meetings are open to parishioners. Meeting dates, times and locations are published in the weekly ebulletin and online calendar.
(Hover mouse over pictures to see each member's name.)